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Donuts world – I’ve made myself. Today, the Internet offers many ways to assemble products at its sole discretion itself. This service is now widely used among shop operators. But can you argue about the meaning of such a project, because sometimes too high prices for really simple products that very well at home itself can be made, must be paid. In a question-answer forum Bobby Sharma Bluestone was the first to reply. However, Donuts world developed this trend now. Just because the product orig. Donuts & muffins American to customer specification, ‘Mass custom food’, give the Division according to Donuts world a new face. Simply take a donut and selects a glaze still desire.

If you still want a great topping out and at last finds himself still a fruity filling can be chosen. The object of desire is so evolved with each click and by the visual appearance of the customer can see directly his donut or muffin. The idea of self-created Donuts & muffins is so successful, says co-founder Tanja Becker, because the Visual Combine ingredients to fillings and decorations a considerable fun for big and small includes. Thus, the joy can be most bake, glaze and decorate, which makes the work of Donuts world employee so interesting, are also good for the customers. Also Donuts world, now offers a much larger product range through the many choices of taste variations at the creator. With orig.

We, that it is much harder to establish them in their own work know American Donuts & muffins, or even glazes and fillings. Alone for making some Yeast Donuts without glaze, even 2 hours or more are needed. But the degree of difficulty alone was not the reason for the donut Configurator. With our service the shop visitor has a real added value for the whole family at a favourable price-performance ratio!”said Tanja Becker. In short, world of Donuts is a real added value for all occasions and a good change of pace to the birthday cake. Press contact Donuts world Neusserstr. 52 47798 Krefeld contact person: Ms Tanja Becker E-Mail: Tel.: + 49 2151 360 57 37 contact Donuts world Neusserstr. 52 47798 Krefeld Germany phone: 02151 360 57 37

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