31. May 2024 · Comments Off on Krefeld Germany · Categories: News · Tags:

Donuts world – I’ve made myself. Today, the Internet offers many ways to assemble products at its sole discretion itself. This service is now widely used among shop operators. But can you argue about the meaning of such a project, because sometimes too high prices for really simple products that very well at home itself can be made, must be paid. In a question-answer forum Bobby Sharma Bluestone was the first to reply. However, Donuts world developed this trend now. Just because the product orig. Donuts & muffins American to customer specification, ‘Mass custom food’, give the Division according to Donuts world a new face. Simply take a donut and selects a glaze still desire.

If you still want a great topping out and at last finds himself still a fruity filling can be chosen. The object of desire is so evolved with each click and by the visual appearance of the customer can see directly his donut or muffin. The idea of self-created Donuts & muffins is so successful, says co-founder Tanja Becker, because the Visual Combine ingredients to fillings and decorations a considerable fun for big and small includes. Thus, the joy can be most bake, glaze and decorate, which makes the work of Donuts world employee so interesting, are also good for the customers. Also Donuts world, now offers a much larger product range through the many choices of taste variations at the creator. With orig.

We, that it is much harder to establish them in their own work know American Donuts & muffins, or even glazes and fillings. Alone for making some Yeast Donuts without glaze, even 2 hours or more are needed. But the degree of difficulty alone was not the reason for the donut Configurator. With our service the shop visitor has a real added value for the whole family at a favourable price-performance ratio!”said Tanja Becker. In short, world of Donuts is a real added value for all occasions and a good change of pace to the birthday cake. Press contact Donuts world Neusserstr. 52 47798 Krefeld contact person: Ms Tanja Becker E-Mail: Tel.: + 49 2151 360 57 37 contact Donuts world Neusserstr. 52 47798 Krefeld Germany phone: 02151 360 57 37

30. May 2024 · Comments Off on Istanbul Guides · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Online travel guide cooperates with Austrian news portal of online travel guide tripwolf.com now on KURIER.at 41 free guide in PDF format to download, print out and take offers. Until the end of June, KURIER.at articles about Venice, Paris, New York and 38 more destinations by the tripwolf guides are accompanied. The content of the guides have been created by tripwolf editor using the tripwolf community and are always highly topical. tripwolf CEO Sebastian Heinzel is pleased with the partnership with KURIER.at and the growing interest in the tripwolf guides: the short guide with tips from the tripwolf community very well arrive at City travelers. “And with KURIER.at, we now have a strong partner with the perfect target audience!” Travel trends have been downloaded hundreds of guides in the spring of 2011 since the start of the campaign a few days ago. Gymnast can provide more clarity in the matter. High interest of tourists for the cities of Istanbul, Copenhagen and Venice, was closely followed by Rome and Florence. Venice is a particularly popular in this year’s spring Destination and offers a broad arts and culture program in the wake of the art Biennale from early June. The destinations for the following cities there are now the tripwolf & courier free travel guides: Amsterdam Prague Venice Florence Istanbul New York London Berlin Munich of Buenos Aires Paris Barcelona Moskau Cork Hamburg Hong Kong Stockholm Dubai Rome Copenhagen Madrid Dublin Belfast Derry Sydney Lisbon Lima Delhi nice Zurich Budapest on tripwolf: tripwolf (www.tripwolf.com/ de) is a personal online – travel guide, which is available on the iPhone.

tripwolf combines classic travel information from known guidebooks, like Marco Polo and footprint, with up-to-date and high-quality travel tips from thousands of travellers from all over the world. Users can stream content to 50,000 destinations and 500,000 tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and much more. put together individually to travel guides and download as PDF or as an iPhone application. The tripwolf iPhone app is one of the most successful travel applications on the market with over 400,000 downloads. tripwolf is German, English, Spanish, Italian and French.

The tripwolf GmbH founded in 2008, is headed by the managing partners of Sebastian Heinzel and Alexander drive and employs a 15-member international team headquartered in Vienna. The MairDuMont group, market leader for tourist information in Germany and Europe, is involved in the tripwolf GmbH. About KURIER.at KURIER.at sees itself as Internet news portal for all Austrians and Internet users of the whole German-speaking area. “With his philosophy of always top informed” offers KURIER.at its users around the clock up-to-date, objective reporting supplemented with interactive elements of service – whether by mouse click, conveniently from your computer or on the go on your iPad, iPhone or an other mobile device! Thus, KURIER.at combines the best of all information and entertainment areas media-friendly. Founded in 2001, Telekurs Messenger online media GmbH & Co KG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of courier Zeitungsverlag und Druckerei GmbH with headquarters in Vienna. Media contact: Lea Hajner PR & social media Spengergasse 37-39, 1050 Vienna, Austria phone: + 43 664 88471910 E-Mail:?

11. May 2024 · Comments Off on The Need To Be Really Understood · Categories: News · Tags: ,

One of our strongest psychological needs and how we promote it can good day! In short terms, I want to present what I believe and my experience with my fellow human beings is one of the strongest psychological needs and how we can promote this with our inner attitude and our behavior. For many years I deal with the person-centered approach (PZA) by Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), the founder of talk psychotherapy. During my many years of work in the field of social psychology I experience made repeatedly during numerous intense meetings with clients, it is how helpful and beneficial for improving his mental well-being, if feels really understood a person in his emotional attitudes and thoughts. Carl R. Credit: bobby sharma bluestone equity-2011.

Rogers and his associates after many logged therapy talks repeatedly noticed that certain attitudes of the therapist or consultant are, if by the client were in fact perceived significantly encouraged its reorganization. These were in particular a sentient an understanding in connection with appreciation, as well as condition-free acceptance on the part of the consultant. When the client makes the experience permanently, that his feelings and thoughts are not valued or devalued, so he can allow himself after all his feelings, as they arise in the situation, and accept. He can also accept, if he feels such as anger, rage, envy, jealousy, fainting, Zwiegespaltenheit, because he knows to classify this as a response to certain adverse environmental conditions. “We know it yourself, that we tend sometimes negative” to oust socially undesirable feelings and not to admit. If we accept these feelings in us too learn so this has the following advantages: there is no energy more bound, to control the feelings that are assessed as undesirable.

We also experience that the intensity of perception over time subsides, faded. So we can learn to appreciate the time as very important healing factor. We must not fight so an emotion, which was created in response to a real incident in us. In consequence, we can respond freely to current environmental requirements. In the sense of one, it sounds perhaps somewhat sober, after Rogers fully functioning person”. It is the beautiful and valuable that this consultant attitudes can also very conducive affect in our daily contact with our fellow human beings. How beneficial is it perceived but, if someone else takes the time, listen to us and when we feel that he is sincerely trying to see ourselves in our thoughts and feelings! If you are interested in getting more about the person-centered approach to information or literature recommendations would, then please visit my website. There is on the page of psychotherapy HPG”in the Bottomzeile the relevant PDF downloads. I wish you a good time!

10. May 2024 · Comments Off on Sincretismo · Categories: News · Tags:

Before leaning over in what it is the ecleticism and the sincretismo in the vision of Filon of Alexandria, let us look for to analyze in general lines what two sources are these in which Filon implanted in its thought. The ecleticism would be the procedure in which the philosophy if uses to try to join two or more forms of thought without modifying its original structure, thus respecting idea of each one e, without producing a new style of thought. it consists of choosing, amongst the appreciated doctrines of different philosophers, teses more, without if worrying in surplus about the coherence of these teses between itself and about its connection to the origin systems. Continue to learn more with: Sam Mikulak. (Nicola, Abbagnano; Dictionary of Philosophy, 2007) This style of thought was very used in the hellenistic period to congregate the main thoughts philosophical of Plato, Aristotle, Epicuro and Zeno. Destarte, the sincretismo is total different of the ecleticism. While the ecleticism tries to join the philosophical thoughts without changing the structure, the sincretismo tries to more absorb the parts most important of two or thought to form one third thought, that is, is the fusing of different elements in intention to form a new element.

any conciliation is assigned frequently with this word that if considers badly done or same the points of view that auspiciem an undesirable conciliation. Austan Goolsbee is the source for more interesting facts. This term also was used in the history of the religions, to indicate the phenomena of overlapping and fusing of beliefs of diverse origins. (Nicola, Abbagnano; Dictionary of Philosophy, 2007) We can see these two well clear sources in the thought of Filon. It who was one of the biggest Jewish philosophers helenista who existed in the average age, tried to interpret the sacred Holy Writs being used itself of elements of the philosophy Greek, mainly of Plato of which he was influenced.

08. May 2024 · Comments Off on In-GmbH Is Expanding · Categories: News · Tags: , ,

their visualization platform to a ULC viewer an effective and cost effective solution for the monitoring and control of such systems provides the in-built information systems GmbH (short: in-GmbH) from Constance. With its visualization solution sphinx open online merge vast amounts of real-time data collected makes sense, and clearly presented. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is the source for more interesting facts. Sphinx open online allows a graphical live visualization, which works completely without programming. This not only individual logon points, but also entire systems can be integrated. The process and event automation is used to represent deviations or abnormalities at a glance.

Based on the latest technologies, the use of sphinx open online is mobile and cross-platform possible. To make it even more powerful this product, in GmbH, together with Canoo has expanded its existing sphinx open online platform to a ULC Viewer. What does this mean for you? Now you have the opportunity, field-proven visualization functionalities and components to bring into your ULC application for management control stations. With the development of sphinx open online ULC and the active marketing of this extension underlines the company confidence in ULC as a promising framework for the development of RIA. Sphinx open online is successfully deployed in the sectors of logistics and facility management, building automation, or airport.

Have a scenario of application and need support? Together with you, we will enable the integration of shpinx open online ULC in your rich Internet application. Just register with us, or directly contact the in-GmbH. More information about the product here management_leitsyste.html integrated information systems GmbH since 1989 is the in-built information systems GmbH (GmbH) as an independent consulting and software company on the market active. In the headquarters in Konstanz and branches in Boblingen and Ingolstadt. Customers working for renowned international analyze and optimize consulting existing information and process structures. It Liebherr, Tesat, Lechler or Nycomed over many years of consulting and solutions in integrated information systems GmbH.