01. June 2020 · Comments Off on Turkish Bath – Hamam · Categories: News · Tags:

Turkish Bath – Hammam, has a history stretching to the distant past. Many associate the appearance of a Turkish bath, with Roman baths, which have not disappeared with the disappearance of the Roman Empire. In the lower part of the hammam bath heated hot air through the exhaust pipe furnace, passing under the floor warmed rooms, which have, depending on the longitudinal axis of the chimney. The Turkish bath is the warmest room is located in the center and has, as generally octagonal shape, its sides which are adjacent pair – hot rooms, equipped with swimming pools. These premises were no windows – light came into them through the thick glass in the dome. The first Turkish bath in there Constantinople after it was conquered by Muslims, and spread rapidly in Muslim countries. Frequent visits to Turkish baths in hot climates East, prevents Muslims from various diseases. Please visit Frank Ntilikina if you seek more information.

The basis Philosophy hammam lay spiritual and physical cleansing. Also, Turkish bath considered in the East incredible source of enjoyment. In the Middle Ages, women's baths in the East was built next to the male, for practical considerations. This arrangement made it possible to use the bath water flow and heat from a single source. Entrances to the male and female baths were isolated. For women of Turkey, visiting bath was a whole ritual, part of public life, where they discussed the case, share news, gossip. Women robbed of the Turkish bath as something special, for them it was a holiday.

They are dressed in beautiful decorations, and took with them a bath sweetness. In bath, they negotiate men drank coffee. Staff Baths consisted of a minimum of five people: Fireman; bathhouse attendant, a minister who served towels; man responsible for cooking fuel and the peddler of cold potable water. The modern Turkish bath, has a large dressing room, a room with a cold Font (cup-shaped vessel), cold showers, hot wet steam room, whose temperature is 40-60. C and the intermediate room. Temperature regime in the hamam is a major feature of this type of bath, it is not so hot and perfect for people who can not tolerate high temperatures. Turkish bath is notable for its comfort, beauty, luxury and lavish interior the mysterious world of the East.

09. July 2016 · Comments Off on Teaching History · Categories: News · Tags:

We think, in short, that the understanding of this trilogy, which is, norms, teaching formation and representations and appropriations of knowing, as indissociveis elements of the constitution of the school, are being transposed for the analyses and quarrels concerning the education of History. In such a way, it interests to study and to criticize the resumes, as well as is essential to suggest> changes; but it matters, equally, not to ignore the particularitities that conform the formation of the professor of History and, over all, to understand the relation of this professor with the content taught from the appropriation and representation slight knowledge. Of this making, more than what to place the education of History and its professor in the witness stand, so that imbalance accusations of, imposture and other sin committed against the academy are defended against, the moment invites for a reflection that has taken in account the notion to know description as to know pertaining to school that if it not only bases on the deriving productions of the academy, but that if it also constitutes from the imbricao between the values that confer sensible to the collective life and if they express in and for the school and knowing that the citizens produce daily. In our consideraes ends inside of this quarrel we locate in them of form favorable to the duty of the school and mainly, of the education of History in giving its contribution for the formation of people who really come if to become historical agents, citizens, throughout history the citizenship concept was extended, starting to englobar a set of social values who determine the set of duties and rights of a citizen, and not only reproductive of an effective reality, but, transforming of this same reality. Teaching History is exclusively to work with the citizenship in different times and space.

29. September 2014 · Comments Off on Salesiano College · Categories: News · Tags:

It decided, therefore transferiz it for the Salesiano College of Recife. Little time if delayed in Brazilian Venice the romantic student, who, saudoso of certain young that leaves in the Barbospolis, ran away for here. Not conformed, the zealous father it decided then to direct it for Rio De Janeiro, from where, certainly, it could not run away so easily. The devaneio of it was, however, stronger. Wax time, disfarado in cripple, penetrated in the one bilge ‘ ‘ Ita’ ‘ that it was here of exit for Aracaju and arrived in port in romanesca trip. After such failures, the undeceived father in insisting did not liven up itself if the Press consecrated the son and dealt with conduziz it Mercury. Thus decided.

The Joo took Jose Ribeiro to work in the balcony of the fabric store that had in society with Gervsio Souza. But what! The youngster all devoted to the things of the aesthetic one, is not born exactly for occupations that it seemed so prosaicas. The disfigured commercial employee alone showed to the clientele what more knot could discourage it business. Person without illusions August Jose Ribeiro to see to tread it the ways that lead to the richness, nothing remained it seno the conformation with what they had determined the fados ones. Joo passed then to give itself exempts integrally and to the necessities of the art. However, always rebellious, never another orientation was subordinated to any seno to that they dictated the muses to it of its inspiration.

Its commitments in art substance had only started to be with the aesthetic one in the way or form for conceived it. The MAN AND ITS SOUL Freire Ribeiro contained in itself a possante brain and an immense heart. He never felt himself threatened by the victories of who wants that he was; to envy age a verb that wise person not to conjugate in the active voice.

27. March 2014 · Comments Off on Privileged Classrooms · Categories: News · Tags:

The ignorance of the privileged classrooms the Brazilian society contemporary lives rooted with history for its elitist character. The traces of a exploring culture, where the minority withholds wealth and more comfortable conditions of life and the great part of the population faces partner-economic problems, are present in the iderio of the privileged social classrooms. The great mistake of this minimum parcel of rich is to be unaware of that this economic segregation generates collateral effect and the inaquality reflects for all for different ways. In diverse sectors the people of the high economic classroom look for to isolate themselves of the remaining portion of the population. We see the necessity of the rich ones to pay to health plans each pertaining to school time more expensive, monthly fees in prestige institutions, contracts with companies of monitoring and other works that denounce the lack of trustworthiness in the services of the government. In a society where the people look for to accumulate wealth, to be obliged to pay for private services she generates a contradiction, therefore these rights are conferred to all. This necessity to pay for offered assistncias already gratuitously denounces much more it lack of interest of the privileged classrooms in improving these services of what properly inefficiency of them.

With the motivation of this supplied parcel, that makes use of great influence in the society, the public goods would reach a new qualitative platform. Despite the society if characterizes for a social pyramid, the ignorance not to perceive that the elimination of the inaqualities brings benefits for all persists. The high classroom prefers to exclude and to reserve itself, despite they do not obtain to total close the eyes for the problems that the fence. Each time is perceived more the pfio quo is to see a mass of workers dismissed for not being able or not to possess instruction to be able to exert a profession. the situation if aggravates when we see the importation of man power of other countries, increasing the expenses to offer enough good wages for these foreigners. The owners of these companies do not reflect on the benefits that exist in instructing and characterizing the contingent its return that needs work. They prefer to believe the illusion of the foreign superiority or simply they are blind excessively to enxergar a positive side in this qualification. Descompromisso is evident. The high classroom still is armed of prejudiced arguments and if it isolates. What it is in game is not the social inaquality in itself, but the ignorance that if drags in the heads of richest in a society that demands changes. such modifications are directly on to this social classroom that make question of if hiding in ostentation, magnificent and luxury, keeping a static and chaotic society extremely.