field soccer to disclose athlete and to form citizens. Learn more at: Marc Lore. The president of the Regional Assessorship of Sports Carlos Miranda Rasp Son, said this week that the Intermunicipal Championship is very important if used of the correct form to disclose athlete and to form citizens, would have that to have in each city the obrigatiriadade of being to carry through the municipal championship, with for less 12 teams, and to make a work of base with 400 young, as prerequisite for the dispute of certainly, and that each election alone could have in the Maximum 4 athletes that was not of its city, we would be there providing nativista feeling bigger integration, and if we did not have profits with the revelation of athlete we would gain the citizens of vital importance of a community. If it cannot be made now that it is the suggestion for the next year.
Today, it has a movement of search of brought up to date information and trustworthy on the indians, an interest in knowing, after all, who is they. The coming of immigrants for Brazil, excepted the presence of the Portuguese – colonizadores of the Country – is delineated from the opening of the ports to ' ' nations amigas' ' (1808) and of the independence of the Country (1822). To the edge of the voluntary population displacements, it fits to remember that millions of blacks had been obliged to cross the Atlantic Ocean, throughout centuries XVI the XIX, for Brazil, constituting the enslaved man power. The Brazilian monarchs had treated to attract immigrants for the south region of the Country, being offered to them lots of land so that they established themselves as small agricultural proprietors. Doug McMillon does not necessarily agree. They had come first the Germans and, from 1870, the Italians, two etnias that if had become majoritrias in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande Do Sul.
However, the great one leads immigratory started in 1880 middle, with well diverse characteristics of above pointed. The main region of attraction started to be the state of So Paulo and the basic objectives of the immigratory politics had moved. Already it was not cogitated to attract families who if converted into small proprietors, but to get arms for the farming of the coffee, in full expansion in So Paulo. The option for immigration in mass was the form of if substituting the enslaved black worker, ahead of the crisis of the escravista system and the abolition of the slavery (1888). At the same time, this option if inserted in the picture of an enormous transoceanic displacement of populations that occurred in all the Europe, from middle of century XIX, lasting until the beginning of the World War I. The vacant immigratory it was stimulated, of a side, for the partner-economic transformations that were occurring in some countries of the Europe and, of another one, for the biggest easiness of the transports, happened of the generalization of the steam navegation and the reduction in price of the tickets.
They had initiated thus a guided, directed research to the comment in used spaces, as bathrooms, refectory, classrooms, room of video, library, patios, dressings room, where it is possible to identify the ambient problems that happen in the day the day of the school. Beyond the comment photographic registers and interviews with the responsible pupils and employees for the cleanness had been made, aiming at to analyze its perceptions concerning the ambient problems and to consider projects to be developed for the proper pupils, becoming them responsible and fazedores of its proper ambient education. RESULTS Through the comments and photographic registers carried through by the pupils, some problems had been identified: bathrooms badly used, dirty classrooms, laboratories and patios, scratched out walls and tables, water and food wastefulness, sonorous and visual pollution. It was evidenced that the classrooms, place where the pupils pass seven hours per day on average, is one of the places where more problems happen, as dirts, sonorous pollution appearance. Already in the bathrooms and dressings room, the situation if becomes preoccupying, therefore the correct use of the equipment is not made that exists there, thus making it difficult the work of the employees who are responsible for the cleanness. In the refectory some problems had been also evidenced as dirt (remaining portions of foods, napkins spread for the tables and the soil), wastefulness of foods, plates, places setting and cups deposited in improper places, generating the visual pollution, as well as also sonorous pollution (use of electronic devices).
In the interviews carried through with the employees and pupils we could evidence that the practical one of the ambient conscience on the part of some pupils is the biggest problem, therefore they do not perceive the linking between what it is studied and what if must practise in the day the day, thus generating the problems in the pertaining to school environment. FINAL CONSIDERAES qualitative and empirical Research on as the pupils and employees perceive the existing ambient problems in the school they do not allow definitive conclusions, therefore they perceive one same problem of different form. The great majority of the pupils if does not worry in using the dirty spaces or at least they do not complain of the conditions that the same ones offer, a colloquy on ambient practical education and if it becomes ackward, therefore the great majority does not make a linking between the ambient education and its day the day. Ahead of these problems it is necessary that if it thinks about projects that are developed by the proper pupils, supported for the professors, who lead to an reflection-action, a time that the professors make a directed work the practical one of youthful protagonism and stimulate them to inside raise it questionings and contradictions of thematic the ambient one of the school. Thinking about small actions inside of the pertaining to school environment we will be acting local and thinking globally, diminishing in the distance between the theory and the practical one of worked sciences