The legislature has decided that household services can now be made up to an amount of EUR 600,00 per year for tax purposes. This assertion, however, concerns only the work of the respective service provider. These companies need to create an account, from which both the work and the use of materials stating explicitly, for the use of building materials may not be sold here. In addition to the renovation of the bathroom or wallpapering services may also be sold that do not have craft background. Sun garden maintenance work are also deductible such as cleaning of the apartment by service providers (eg, window cleaner). The condition for the deductibility of such services is that they were carried out in Germany, referring to the household of the taxpayer. Likewise, also check the chimney sweep or maintenance expenses are claimed on residential lines. For property managers arising from the above-mentioned law also some Changes.
For example, condominium owners. These communities have a right to sell household services. It must be ensured however that occurs, the total ownership as employer. Tax tips-picture tax-money-legal advisers, the house manager must therefore take into account in preparing the annual financial statement a lot. He has to create for each owner a certificate according to 35a Income Tax Act household service, which shows the proportions in which it is involved in the respective works. For regular work such as cleaning the stairwell must be also an identity in the accounts. Decisive here are, however, the advance payments. Also tenants are entitled to household services that are billed on the charges of making tax deductible.
However, again, that the respective percentage of the tenant in the service charge must be expelled from the landlord. As with the property owners are also in this case, the advances eligible. To make household services at the tax claims qualifying tenant or owner must submit the settlement and certification of the landlord. Furthermore, the tax also requires proof of payment, for example through a statement. Property manager must inform themselves about the new legal requirements comprehensively, to create the annual financial statement correctly. Tax advice to the tenants or owners but should be avoided. The software Win-CASA considered all seven requirements of a modern property management – whether for apartment houses, condominium properties or mixed property. In the service charge will be household services – reported no extra effort – in a separate certificate.