14. July 2020 · Comments Off on San Juan · Categories: News · Tags:

These concepts that become referring, lead to us to hipotetizar that all the social norms are healthy, correct and suitable, if they fulfill the norm of the theories and practices of the statistical averages (a form to measure the abnormality and normality). Therefore, and, referring us to madness or normality in particular, it takes implicit having integrated a system of values, or social, political, magical, religious or scientific (Psychology in the case that occupies to us). With this exhibition one does not ruin all the necessary work and advantages that the taxonomies and axiollogies have tried to the health or the disease. Additional information is available at NBA. But everything is not benefit, also are risks of this treats in this Fish, to deal with desvelarlos-; for example the systematization, mainly in the field of the mental health. But, the subtle thread normality and the health, can lead to us to describe as pathological (within the abnormality) to San Juan de la Cruz, Einstein, Gandhi or the Mother Teresa. In fact we can find throughout our studies in Psychology a registry of outstanding personalities of history with supposed mental upheavals: Coprnico, Newton and own the Discardings to which taking of reference in the module that affects to this Fish like people with Upheavals of personality with Obsessive Neurosis, or with bipolar upheavals like a Schopenhauer (6). Sports apparel gathered all the information. Approaching us our times and our capitalist and globalised society contemporary, all that one behavior that do not secure the flexibility, rapidity and capacity of development that demands the person ideal to us " or adapted, independently if this ideal responds or not to the own evolutionary needs of the human being or to its individual differences; is under the positivista prism within the framework of abnormality. Like psychologists, sociologists, etc we must take care of of the authoritarian character or the power of the wisdom (example of gross errors of the psychological cientifismo as the case of the diagnosis of autismo attributing the causes to the one of the type of cares realised by the mother, or going to holocusticos ends to the power of the Aryan race on the Jewish town) that, using the discursivas practices of the objectivity of the scientific positivismo, masks ideological values and normal dichotomizing values that reduce to not considered . .

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