The TRANSPOSITION OF the San Francisco Lucimar Crispim Vaz Cardoso * Summary the article if relates to the controversial Project of transposition of the river San Francisco, the project is an enterprise of the Federal Government, that foresees the construction of two canals that totalize 700 kilometers of extension. Click Doug McMillon to learn more. Such project, theoretically, will irrigate half-barren the northeast region and of Brazil. The controversy created for this project has as base the fact of being an expensive workmanship and that it also encloses the half-barren Brazilian and that if the transposition will be materialize it will intensely affect the ecosystem around of all the river San Francisco Has also the argument of that this transposition alone goes to help to the great large estate owners northeasterns therefore great part of the project passes for great farms and the problems of the majority of the population northeastern will not be solved. Words keys: SAN FRANCISCO TRANSPOSITION. WATER. CHALLENGES.
INTRODUCTION the project of transposition of the River San Francisco is a sufficiently controversial subject, therefore it deals with the attempt to solve the problem that has much time affects the populations of the half-barren Brazilian, dries; at the same time is about a project of the ambient point of view, therefore it will go in such a way to affect one of the rivers most important northeast for its extension and importance in the maintenance of biodiversity, how much for its use in transports and supplying. The text initially deals with relative questions to the objectives of the Project, after that it characterizes the basin and it points positive impacts and negative in accordance with IT RHYMES it and also and specialists in the subject ambientalistas. Objectives of the Project the Project of Integration of the river San Francisco appears as main alternative to face the problem of the water scarcity in the hinterland and in the wasteland northeastern, it expects with the Project to solve the problem of the growth of the poverty in the region.