State real estate cadastre is the systematic collection of information about unrecorded (of registered) real estate. Information from the State Real Estate Cadastre required by the Federal registration service for registering ownership or disposition of property transactions. If the transaction is subject to the land or buildings, structures and premises, the contract shall contain cadastral number and address of the land. State cadastral registration shall be subject to all land located within the Russian Federation, irrespective of land ownership, purpose and permitted use of land. The final document, which confirms an individual cadastral land cadastre is a passport. The concept of "inventory passport "appeared to 01.03.2008.
Prior to that date was cadastral map of land. Cadastral plan has now become an integral part of cadastral passports, and a separate document, suitable for registration of ownership of it can not be. Both these documents are an extract from the state real estate cadastre, which reflects the main features of the site. The difference is that the registration of property rights You'll need it cadastral passport of land. Formation of cadastral passport carries a cadastral chamber, and approves and issues a territorial administration Rosnedvizhimost. Cadastral passport consists of the parts B1, B2, B3, B4.
B1 main features of the site. This section contains the following information: inventory number, location (address), the category of land area, the cadastral value of land, rights information. B2-plan (drawing, scheme) of land. B3-information about the parts and encumbrances (if any). B4-plan parts of the site (if available). That is, if the site without parts and encumbrances, the cadastral passport will be composed of parts B1 and B2. Compulsory surveying of land, including transactions with them, set aside the law "On State Real Estate Cadastre", which came into force on 1 March 2008. If the site survey has been conducted, then the inventory will be information about plot boundaries and cadastral passport will contain only the section B1. This may not be grounds for denial of state registration of rights, but only if the contract is made in writing. Notaries for transactions with areas of cadastral passports only accept the results of surveying. Specific duration of cadastral passports of land law are not clearly regulated. Legally cadastral passport of land considered to be relevant, as the data is entered in it are true.