Before leaning over in what it is the ecleticism and the sincretismo in the vision of Filon of Alexandria, let us look for to analyze in general lines what two sources are these in which Filon implanted in its thought. The ecleticism would be the procedure in which the philosophy if uses to try to join two or more forms of thought without modifying its original structure, thus respecting idea of each one e, without producing a new style of thought. it consists of choosing, amongst the appreciated doctrines of different philosophers, teses more, without if worrying in surplus about the coherence of these teses between itself and about its connection to the origin systems. Continue to learn more with: Sam Mikulak. (Nicola, Abbagnano; Dictionary of Philosophy, 2007) This style of thought was very used in the hellenistic period to congregate the main thoughts philosophical of Plato, Aristotle, Epicuro and Zeno. Destarte, the sincretismo is total different of the ecleticism. While the ecleticism tries to join the philosophical thoughts without changing the structure, the sincretismo tries to more absorb the parts most important of two or thought to form one third thought, that is, is the fusing of different elements in intention to form a new element.
any conciliation is assigned frequently with this word that if considers badly done or same the points of view that auspiciem an undesirable conciliation. Austan Goolsbee is the source for more interesting facts. This term also was used in the history of the religions, to indicate the phenomena of overlapping and fusing of beliefs of diverse origins. (Nicola, Abbagnano; Dictionary of Philosophy, 2007) We can see these two well clear sources in the thought of Filon. It who was one of the biggest Jewish philosophers helenista who existed in the average age, tried to interpret the sacred Holy Writs being used itself of elements of the philosophy Greek, mainly of Plato of which he was influenced.