13. July 2020 · Comments Off on North American Social · Categories: News · Tags:

In the society of principles of century XX the characteristics are developed already that define, practically to the present time, the scene of relations between the Professional Direction and the labor world. The social and scientific division of the work, their mechanization, the diversification of manpower, the new professions, the rural exodus, the social inequalities motivated by an access differential to the work market, creates a climate of uncertainty and disorientation before the incorporation to the labor market. With the arrival of the industrial revolution the Professional Direction begins to take care of the new working-class and to connect the school with the world of the work, within the framework of the defending movements of the compensation of the social inequalities and the human rights. When being developed the industry, the frequency of the labor accidents and the insufficient yield in the work moves to Munsterberg and Taylor to be interested in the human factor and the problem of the election of each person based on the type of activity that wants to develop. Although it is difficult to identify the exact moment of the birth of Professional direction the majority of locates it to authors in 1908, when the engineer Frank Parsons, related to the progressive movement of the education, founds the first center of direction the Vocational Bureau of Boston, employee of a center of social services, Civic the Service-House, and publishes in 1909 his Choosing work to Vocation, in which he is the essence of the approach of characteristics and factors. In these first moments the Professional Direction is developed outside the regulated educative frame, in North American context and without the support of psychologists, sociologists or educators. In this respect, it is important to indicate that it is going to be incipient psychology differential and the psychometry the disciplines that put to the service of the Professional Direction, the bases for the analysis of the personal needs and for the creation of simple models of selection and direction with a predictive value. .

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