02. December 2012 · Comments Off on Mathematical Structures · Categories: News

On the other hand are interesting efforts of David Bohm and Basil Haley trying to develop mathematical structures that describe the preespacio or an algebra of thought and how we create external and internal reality. This is how theories arise as the implicate order of David Bohm showing a new relationship between science and spirituality framed within a holistic vision of the world. A new world with Isabella Colalillo Kates. It is very important to mention the relationship of holistic education to the evolution of consciousness. In a process of evolution of consciousness, we need a paradigm shift to a new vision of education in the evolution of human consciousness.

This new view gives a more human face to education. We need to change systems, not just one person or group of people, we must evolve and make education prepare students for the type of integrated body-mind-spirit achieving an integrated education. It must change systems and paradigms to create a new paradigm of integration. Spirituality is understood as the participation that contributes to the transformation for the benefit of all beings, not something isolated or out of the world. It is important to consider the holistic education as part of the curriculum in order to achieve an appropriate and integral development as part the learning process. The spiritual journey with David Fontana This dialogue raises instrumental conditioning as a constraint that we human beings in our development, in childhood we were always subject to conditions that were gradually shaping our behavior that greatly influences our personality.

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