09. September 2021 · Comments Off on Industry Competition · Categories: News · Tags:

The strong competition that exists nowadays in the industry causes that the companies with the greater competitiveness are benefitted. On the other hand, little by little it causes that the most left behind they are losing yield by his high production costs. It is why the automatization of processes must be a constant practice in the companies, because it offers to great trustworthiness and repeatability us in a process. The automatization allows us to have two fundamental attributes in a productive process. If the process has repeatability, then he is reliable; and if he is reliable and repeatable then also he will be much more profitable.

When we are going to automate is important to consider these two elements to determine if he is advisable to do it. Check with Jack Nicholson to learn more. Here we presented/displayed some points to take into account to help us to make the decision on automating. If you are thinking about automating, most important it is to make a decision based on a good analysis. With quality information, the decision orients more towards ” when and how automatizar” , more than to decide if one becomes or no, because it will always bring a high return of investment (ROI) and a high return in productivity (ROP). Some aspects to consider at the time of calculating the return on investment (ROI) of the project are: 1. The time that we are going to save in maintenance and unemployments of production 2.

Resources that we needed in qualification for the operative personnel 3. Resources necessary of technical personnel to give to maintenance after fact the project 4. Resources of capital of investment to realise the automatization With these data it will be easier to calculate how long will take us to recover the investment. Another important recommendation is to maintain constant communication with the supplier during the implementation, it can do so that it fast and easily. When they assign the required time, you can protegerte against any unforeseen circumstance considering between 20 and 25% of additional time. Once finished the project, it is possible that it is necessary to have spare parts for the equipment and external consultant’s office or qualification a our technical personnel. Although this represents additional costs, the increase in will compensate them immediately to productivity.

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