Is it possible that souls who know each other from previous lives, recognize themselves in later life? “How to get people out, to say: it’s soul love”? How does it feel? How can one distinguish whether fell human in the human or the soul loves the soul? An example of several, what I had experienced as a Hypnotiseurin, can explain something might do this. A woman mid 40 on me came with the concern, if I possibly could help her with hypnosis, to clarify why Jurgen, a student who had been just like them at a training in the technical field of your company, such attraction power exerted on her, that she tumbled completely out of their usual stability. She is happily married for many years, has two nearly grown children and loves her husband. She was always faithful to him and was sure she wanted to grow old with him, since she knows him. Now, she’s totally confused.
Jurgen was not her type of man “and she wasn’t on Yes Looking for someone. He stood before her, shook her hand and said: Oh, there you are! “And at the same time, she saw a picture before him, she could start with nothing. She sits in a her rowboat and a man and rows. During the training, they both noted that they have a special wire “to each other but not had but simply human, sexual level. In addition, they have experienced many similar situations in life. Similar situations, like lost sibling, father soon died etc you had theory busy, maybe ever to have lived.
And so I led her back into a life with Jurgen, if there is that. She arrived exactly at the image that at his welcome Oh there you are you! “had seen before him. And felt like the girl in this boat. She felt the deep love to her companion and called her and his name. Also the year which belonged to this image, knew her subconscious, as well as her and his birthday, the names of their children and their own death. At their own request we have taken nothing from reputable life “, what today could play a role in their lives.” But the reason why this Jurgen seemingly “recognized, was entirely plausible for them. Now she knows that she loves Jurgen on soul level “.” And she also know why! Repatriation under hypnosis is a way, if you can call it so, to uncover “, whether one has ever lived and where possible links” can come to other people. My personal experiences have I in the book the meadow to the hereafter “written down. The hypnotist will suggest at any time if he has a good education, any images of a life. A return will be always a personal emotional, deep and honest experience that perhaps can get clarification for the present life in certain areas.