GOD TO BLESS WANTS YOU! ' ' SKIRT OF THE CLOSET ' ' One of the subjects most controversial of the present time is the question of the homossexualidade human being. Of a side the sympathetical and adepts that if strengthen of all the possible ways the same to become acceptable and common the union of people of sex, and it another side, those whom they are against, motivated for the religion or reason of familiar education. At last, it is a subject that does not have end. This subject has been so commented, debated and studied that a great parcel of the world-wide population, I believe, already he is if accustoming with the idea. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Frank Ntilikina on most websites. However, nor with the ones of the right and nor with the ones of the left we must be.
As Christian our position will be always what the word of God to teach. I recognize that it is not easy to remain itself in an irreducible position, the pressure is very great, the arguments are strong and gradual, we notice that it has many servants of God losing to this temptation. Until some years behind little one heard to speak of cases homosexuals in the Church, today already are more common. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak has much experience in this field. I understand, that this is a sin as another one any, is so pernicious in relation the salvation of the soul as it he is the adultery one, the pedofilia, the murders and the lie and others as much, he must be fought in the sermes, and mainly in studies with abalizadas people. The absence of genuinely Biblical educations is that it has caused many problems, the theological unfamiliarity and scientific of the sexual question it has formed many homfobos, people that on behalf of God, of the traditions and all luck of ignorance practise violence acts, shameful and worthless discriminations. Such people if forget that the homosexual must worthy be treated, as another human being any, and this does not mean to accept its practical and nor to approve them. .