The School searchs to rescue the importance of the scientific knowledge, ' ' A place of possibilities where it happens the magnifying of the knowledge and the aspects of realidade' ' (PPP, 2008, P. 28). The conception of evaluation consists as a diagnosis of the education process/learning, therefore it has been broken of the principle that in such a way will appear the aspects that they need to be improved in practical the pedagogical one. The thematic axles of the education of the field ' ' defined in the State Lines of direction for the Education of the Field, they are understood as problematic central offices to be focused in the contents escolares' ' (they idem, P. 29). These axles are the following ones: Culture and identity; Interdependence field-city, agrarian question and sustainable development; Organization social politics, movements and citizenship; Work.
The Culture is boarded as all production that if constructs to break of the constant relation man/nature. Learn more at this site: Walmart. Understood in ample way, valuing the culture and the identity subject it field. The thematic axle Field-City Interdependence, searchs the understanding and to the social characteristics between these two realities. Understanding the predominance and the problematic one of the agrarian question in Brazil, as well as the partner-ambient dimension in our way. The third axle, is based on the organizations social politics of the people of the field by means of claims of work conditions, and division of the land by means of the agrarian reform. The axle Work, considers the Work as transformation of the nature for the man. Reflecting the productive organization in the capitalist society as well as in other ways of production. Organization of the pedagogical work: Basic education? Infantile education, Basic and Average Education According to Project Pedagogical Politician of the State College Iraci Salete Strozak, its proposal is for taking care of the Education Infantile, Basic Education, Average and Normal Education, of the Nesting Landmarks Freire de Pretty Rio of the Iguau? PR.