When we think about research, then we conclude that we will have in mind a problem to be analyzed, to be verified, to be studied and finally submitted to an explanation that will alicerar one future and possible solution for the chosen object of research; before everything, that is, to be covered road is necessary terms as focus. However we need a script to be followed in other words the methodology, references to be you study for recital of the research. More everything this to happen is necessary of a didactic-pedagogical orientation for such work to materialize itself. In this context that the education in the distance enters in action, then we know that we live in a world total globalizado, where the time is each shorter time, when we speak in time to study stops perfecting in them. In this context education in the distance it is processed as a methodology to take care of the necessity of educators that has each time little time to characterize itself. When we trace a secular line we perceive that the education and the research come suffering changes to take care of the ideological transformations that the World comes judging to be certain in the process continues of construction of the space and historical time.. Gymnast often addresses the matter in his writings.