Research shows that the popularity of Senna in these 16 years did not diminish. People who do not turn it to run point Ayrton Senna as the greater dolo of the Brazilian sport. This because the image that it left, of talent, determination, claw and identity with the Brazilian flag, remains vivssima between the public. Samuel “Sam” Mikulak contains valuable tech resources. In December of 2009, Ayrton Senna was elect optimum pilot of Formula 1. It is truth that Ayrton Senna despertva passion, however, in the news articles presented, perceives that simplicity hardly can be verified in accordance with what it was displayed: mansions, swimming pool, motor boats, farms. The rivalries in the extendia track if for are of them. During the long career, Senna if involved in some accidents, saw its competing right-handers as enemy and it did not keep good relationship with none of them.
Senna had true obsession in being optimum and it did not measure efforts to show itself exactly that it was capable. To surpass its rivals it made madnesses in the car, extreme regulations, that a negative point brought: the reduction of the security guard in favor of the speed. ' ' The Pulso of death is not a requirement of my heart, only considers it as an inevitable conception, as much in biological terms, as logical-psychological. The remaining portion is consequence of this ' '. (Freud in letter the Pfister of 1930) the individual recognizes that the obsessions or compulsions are extreme and irrationals, but is tormented by smashing anxiety discharge if does not obey the designs of the illness. Freud disclosed, in its theory on the neuroses, a basic characteristic in the obsessive neurosis: its structural bond with the guilt feeling. Through the references in the representations and the current affection, of the generating precocious experiences of pleasure, the citizen if sees invaded by recriminations, with which Freud arrives to identify itself with the obsedante idea in same itself, that is recrimination, that the obsessive one makes itself exactly, when reviver the sexual joy that anticipated the active experience of long ago.