Given you realize that there are times where you get more expensive the airfare that the payment of your hotel? Plane tickets many times are very expensive, so a good option to acquire them is to attend an auction of tickets. Not believe it already exist these auctions and are very beloved among people since you can purchase your airline tickets to go on vacation anywhere at very low costs. An auction is a public sale where anything is bought to the tenderer offering the highest price. Clothing, accessories, trucks, houses, famous people and other articles objects are those that can be found in auctions, but is it possible to auction tickets? Today it is possible to do so. There are airlines that offer their clients auctions of airline tickets over the internet, so because you don’t have to leave your House to find good promotions. Tickets auctions begin with a price set by the airline and regularly have a short time duration, so Internet users virtually they fight to get your ticket. It is a lot of fun, because he regularly gives little time for auctions of airline tickets, but in the end comes baratisimo you go travel. So you know, the next time you look for your airline tickets already don’t leave in search of travel agents, the best option is just a click away. Original author and source of the article