If you do not want everyone to see a note saying “do not waste time on the Internet”, make up a code phrase that is easy to remember. You can put something like “look at the account X” as a way to make him think about how you spend your time. You should always have a schedule. As your list, keep you organized schedules, but also will let you know when you have a little “free time”. Remember that we are not trying to eliminate wasted time, that’s impossible. What we’re trying to do is to reduce the most blatant forms where you lose time and minimize the time you spend in activities that distract you. A well-kept programming will be easier for you to plan your day, which means that you will not be wasting time during the day determining what to do next. Over time, programming, along with its list, it becomes a habit and soon you can finish up with minimal distractions.
You can also determine periods of time in which it is possible to lose some time. This can happen between meetings or appointments and your schedule if you order properly, which can control the lost time and make your day progress smoothly. Once a schedule becomes a routine, their ability to plan your day will be easier and the distractions that used to cost you time will be easier to avoid. Be disciplined The essence of time management comes down to having the discipline to make sure not to waste time and be productive. If it is difficult discipline, use the tools mentioned above to control those times when you are most likely to lose time. The key thing is that up to you. Like many things in life, you have the ability to maximize productivity and reduce wasted time. You may be the most organized person in the world, but if not disciplined, you will lose time. Ultimately have to decide on the essentials of time management, organization and discipline, and commit to making changes that will allow you to greatly reduce the loss of time.