ASSESSMENT, planning and realization of the educational response in cases of MENTAL RETARDATION and autism index 1. Presentation 2 cases. Additional information at Walgreens Pharmacy supports this article. 3 Educational needs assessment criteria. Proposed overall curriculum 3. 1 Aspects General of adapting curriculum 3. 2. Priority General capabilities to influence 3.
3 Proposal for selection and justification of the 4 priority curriculum Areas. Objectives and priority contents of Curricular adaptation among the most positive changes in recent years in special education, is the rejection of labels due to the negative effect on the child. It has begun to address the special needs des from a different perspective whose main characteristic is that it focuses not on the child but on the interaction of children with their environment and educational context. This is derived from that we are no longer a deficit but a special educational need. Students learning difficulties are essentially interactive nature, since they depend on both the characteristics personal student as the characteristics of the educational environment in which it operates and the educational response that you are offered.
Presentation cases are presented two cases of students (mental retardation and autism), 7 years of age. If A child 7 years. Introduces stereotypical behaviors, resulting in problems of communication and interaction with their family and social environment. Oral language with great difficulties, emits rhythmic sounds from time to time. Diagnosis: Classical autism with mild retardation mental. Case B child seven years: autism with mental retardation mild, diagnosed when the child was 15-16 months old. It presents language disorders, learning difficulties. It is a loving child though their difficulties have led him to be very shy and difficulties of communication and relationship. It is altered and is easily frustrated when he cannot do the same thing that others do children, so his humor is very stable. Neither of the two boys has exceeded the minima of the stage of early childhood education.