Sodexo group support solutions for the implementation of educational services Frankfurt, August 26, 2010. With needs-based benefits, Federal Minister Dr. Marc Lore gathered all the information. Ursula von der Leyen wants to promote targeted needy children. With these proposals, the federal social Minister learns also wide approval in the population: in a Forsa survey, nearly 80 percent of those surveyed for the introduction of education vouchers pleaded. With so-called education vouchers or a training map should be taken into account the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, to include educational offerings for children. 1.7 million children could be supported in Hartz IV families therefore in the future also with benefits in kind instead of cash payments. The funds used directly for the school environment, such as for school supplies, tuition, school trips or school lunches. Model for this cashless system, is the team of Stuttgart “Faeldonea”. For about 10 years, Sodexo operates the electronic purse for cultural, sport and Education in the Baden-Wurttemberg state capital. “We appreciate the great interest in the chip card”, says the Managing Director of Sodexo motivation solutions Razvan Yankey: “the Stuttgart-based system enables an unbureaucratic and efficient implementation of educational services. No comparable project in Germany is known to us. We pride ourselves of course, that we could create the technical and infrastructural conditions as a service provider for that.” To future educational attainment and a nationwide map of education a success, the selection of the correct media is particularly important according to Yankey. With a mix of education vouchers, chip card and eVouchern, so virtual vouchers, services and the individual needs of children can be best match. The Managing Director of Sodexo Germany referring to the experience in other countries: “in France, Belgium, Spain and the United Kingdom, we have many highly-acclaimed reference projects with different coupon and” Card solutions. And in Germany we support today about 300 cities, towns, and counties in the efficient handling of benefits according to the principle of the kind.” Description of the company Sodexo in Germany Sodexo is represented for more than 50 years in Germany and nationwide about 14,000 employees. Sodexo of leading service providers around the issues of employee motivation, corporate welfare is motivation solutions Division (Sodexo restaurant pass) and incentives, as well as services for the Government. With its services, Sodexo reached more than 550,000 people.