27. June 2012 · Comments Off on Educate Parents · Categories: News · Tags:

The society left autoritarista model of education and if it fixed in a relaxed model, change that reaches all the social spheres. In the old model the claim was of that the parents did not allow nothing, currently parents and professors are worried about the lack of interest in the academic subjects, lack of creativity, the excess of time who lose in the front of a computer, the lack of respect with all and the violence of a general form. But the situation can be reverted, is enough a little of time and devotion of the parents and cuidadores. Therefore before going for schools, day-care centers and fellow creatures to the children they pass for the primary socialization in the seio of the nuclear family, at this moment the rules and norms are transmitted, the child goes introjetando and if preparing for the life in society. To have its next son, with more motivation and disposal for the daily activities, she practises a positive education: eye in the eye talks clearly with it, defines with it hourly fixtures for accomplishment of activities diverse (lesson of house, lunch, organization of the house, schedule for leisure, etc), schedule to raise and to sleep, to follow notebooks and to talk on the day in the school, praises, hugs, kisses (it demonstrates the importance of it in its life), shares its experiences (it is important to know that you also passed for similar situations), helps its son to express feelings, invites the friends of it for one afternoon of video in its house, if approaches to the parents of its friends, if he involves in the academic activities, he offers support, he separates a time to participate of its tricks (an encampment in the room with blankets, a war of pillows, etc).

24. June 2012 · Comments Off on Ambient Education · Categories: News · Tags:

Its main concern was future of the life in the planet and to surpass the dichotomy between nature and society. The purposes of the Education for the Environment had been determined by UNESCO, then after the Conference of Belgrade (1975): To form a world-wide population conscientious and worried about the environment and the problems with it related, a population that has knowledge, ability, been of spirit, motivations and felt of engagement that allows them to work individually and collectively to decide the current problems, and to hinder that they happen again themselves. Ahead of this, this research had the intention to analyze the perception of educators and educandos of Average Ensino, of the nocturnal period, the State School Prof. Marluce Lucas, in Cmara/RN Joo, concerning the ambient education in the context of the school, in a boarding to interdisciplinar, as the subject demands. Waiting to make possible, thus, an integrated work more in the construction of a global vision of the ambient questions, visualizing not only the aspects physical, but also the historical and social aspects. That is, to surpass the spalling of knowing. This work was of great relevance for the school and for the community, a time that does not exist one disciplines of Ambient Education in the pertaining to school resume. We believe that the Ambient Education if constitutes in a link enters all the areas of the knowledge and will have to fill a space in the pertaining to school education, that the species of existing lives are the preservation of all, therefore, of the environment.

In this direction, the pertaining to school conviviality is decisive in the learning of social values and the pertaining to school environment is the more immediate space of performance for the educandos. Thus, she is necessary to emphasize its relevance in this work. This article is organized in three parts, where in the first part we will emphasize on the theoretical aspects with emphasis in the importance of the Ambient Education.

18. June 2012 · Comments Off on Physical Education · Categories: News · Tags:

The professors of Physical Education are constantly if coming across with the necessity of if bringing up to date regarding one or another esportiva modality. To each day that passes becomes clearer the necessity of the human being for the accomplishment of this practical, therefore, the same one is a temple of health, leisure and education. Perhaps he is extraordinary a half one of expression that discloses, for opposition, the limits of each one, and supplies basic necessities of the human being, either is the explanation phenomenon to be perpetual in the time and the space. The trainer must above all be an educator, a formador of people. To obtain itself to form a good player, it is necessary to have the athlete before, and it they have that to have conscience of its obligations and rights, therefore we do not know where area of the sport the same goes to dedicate itself, and going more far as we will know which pupil will become a professional athlete? what it will make its career after to finish? It is for these reasons that we must forms the person before everything, therefore if not to make right who will be distinguished in the esportivo world, will make right in a formation: the man. This relationship between professor-pupil or athlete-trainer is one of the points most important in the process of formation of the individual, and the professor becomes example for its pupils, therefore if you will have bad habits or vices will be stirring up the pupils to carry through the same ones, therefore, sociabilizao, emotional and moral balance, loyalty, sincerity, team spirit, search for the overcoming, are all concepts that must be infused in the young. The relations between the players also must be worked, therefore if the same ones to grow in collective will develop better more and for the world. .

12. June 2012 · Comments Off on Educational Orientation · Categories: News · Tags:

The specialists are lead to the position in accordance with its qualification (art. 64), being able to be pedagogos with formation in educational orientation or course of after-graduation, that is, for the force of the law we are all professors in lower court and later we are called to act our specialty in accordance with, and only believe that thus he must be so that let us can assume our responsibility in the pedagogical questions of the school as being part of our function, and not cairmos in the temptation to deviate our performance for the fields of Psychology and of the Social Assistance, confusion common good in the practical one of the Educational Orientation of some professionals that they are acting has time more and they do not make the reading of this reflexiva pedagogical source of the linking with the questions biggest of the education properly said, what he is explicit in speaks of Grinspun (2006) on what the Educational Person who orientates is not in terms of professional formation: (…) Afirmo that Educational the Orienting professional belongs to the group of the teaching and not to another group that acts (or not) in the schools, even so its work, in determined moment, if relates (or even though if it bases), as for example, in Psychology, Sociology, the Administration, the Social Service etc. Therefore, the Educational Person who orientates is not Clinical or Pertaining to school Psychologist; it is not Psicopedagogo; she is not Social Assistant; also is not administrative technician; another category does not belong to any that is not part of what we call to be the field of the teaching. Being, therefore, the objective of this study to pontuar the presence of the Educational Orientation in the school under the light of the legislation and, more specifically, to ressignificar the practical one of the Educational Person who orientates, from adjusted formation, so that this if becomes a basic partner in the improvement of the process teach-learning.