30. December 2019 · Comments Off on Starvation And Cleansing · Categories: News · Tags: ,

Many people who have great interest in natural methods of healing the body, have tried or are going to try fasting. The attractiveness of this method of cleaning and treating the body is obvious: fasting does not cost anything, do not to spend money on expensive drugs, do not make the often difficult asanas of hatha yoga, no need to concentrate, as in auditory training. The authors of popular books on fasting 'prescribed' it for the treatment of virtually all disease, obesity beginning and ending cancers. At the same time they did not confuse the fact that medicine has not yet been recorded at least one case of cancer cured by fasting. Frequently Sam Mikulak has said that publicly. Well, then, that to lose weight with the help of deficiency can only for a short period of time, has long been known, but somehow still persistent view of the fasting as a cure can not be canceled.

The harmful effects of starvation (induced) is well studied. No need to look far for examples: the prisoners of German concentration camps, the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad – witnesses to the dangers of fasting for health. For some reason, followers of fasting do not want to know the negative side of this method, only positive. What causes hunger: 1. A set of mass. The fact is that after the glycogen stores are exhausted, and it happens in a day of fasting, the body begins to take him out amino acids, that is, starts muscular dystrophy. Fat, of course, also lost in the process of starvation, but just imagine about 20-40% weight loss has on the proteins.

After the end of fasting will take place of muscle fat, unless hard not to play sports. 2. Poisoning organism decay products. The body can not cope with the withdrawal of all the resulting starvation of toxins. Hence, headache, weakness, dizziness … In addition, during fasting ketones are formed, occurs acidosis. 3. Deteriorates the brain. For the brain needs sugar. Not so long ago, an American professor has conducted studies and concluded that sweet Coca-Cola enhances mental human ability and that students who are addicted to sweetened drinks, learn better. His advice to drink more soda have met a hostile reception from the fact that sugar is bad for your teeth. 4. Development of atherosclerosis. During fasting the body continues to use its fat and protein does not arrive. Formed low-density lipoprotein. They who are responsible for the development of atherosclerosis.

16. December 2016 · Comments Off on Digestion · Categories: News · Tags: ,

ALVEO, especially his version of “Mint”, improves digestion, lowers blood sugar with glucose absorption in the intestine. ALVEO helps to cure ulcers stomach, in some cases, the treatment of diabetes. This is supported by excellent results of laboratory tests. In addition ALVEO a positive impact on problems such as chronic fatigue, nevroznosti, stress, especially in people with intensive workload. Another example is the manager of PM (35 years) were re-state of collapse. A significant improvement occurred after two months of use Alveo. Given the lack of magnesium in a patient, I have appointed him and “Onyx”. Now this man has no complications.

Has been proven seasonal use ALVEO autumn and spring. This is especially true with low immunity, allergies, people with recurrent infectious upper respiratory tract infection, a ripe old age people. ALVEO limits the manifestation of influenza and spring fatigue. In addition, he is an excellent supplement for professional athletes. This confirms Many people with whom I worked. Improvement occurred in some asthmatics, which decreased the intensity and frequency of seizures. Several of my patients use ALVEO as a means of detoxification of chemotherapy. They noted subjective improvement, and some of them (of course in conjunction with conventional methods) have returned to work.

But many of the results, unfortunately, have to be expected, since the objective evaluation requires more amount of time. Sports doctor MUDr.Miroslava Plhova In his medical practice I have seen as normal patients, as well as with professional athletes. That they have the results of my work especially demonstration, because they can not afford to break my prescribed treatment and course of treatment. Since the early 70s at the base of my medical practice is a natural medicine, it refers to therapy and prevention. I drew my knowledge of millennial honey